/ -- As a result of the joint efforts of Ambassador Hotels and Simplotel, direct website bookings have doubled and the website traffic has grown by 70%
(Logo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/599727/Simplotel_Logo.jpg )
"We are impressed by the early and instant results from Simplotel, and look forward to our direct bookings growing even more. Our target is to double a few times over, and with Simplotel and its capable team, we are confident of achieving our steep targets," commented Pramod Kulkarni, Group Vice President at Ambassador Hotels and Ambassador's Sky Chef. "With Simplotel," he elaborated, "we believe we have access to a phenomenal support team coupled with state-of-the-art hotel e-commerce platform. Most importantly, their readiness to accept all suggestions and immediately act upon them makes it a team effort in optimizing revenues."
To learn more about Ambassador Group of Hotels visit: https://www.ambassadorindia.com and for Simplotel visit https://www.simplotel.com
About Ambassador Group of Hotels: