Christened 'India-based Neutrino Observatory' by the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), it will study atmospheric neutrinos 1,300 metres below ground and is expected to provide precise measurement of neutrino mixing parameters.
"While approval of the full project proposal may take a few more months, we have been allocated Rs 83 crore to start various pre-project activities at the site," INO spokesman Naba Kumar Mondal told PTI.
Pre-project activities include developing land for construction of a small prototype detector at Madurai before going ahead with the full detector construction, widening and strengthening the eight km road leading to the INO site at Pottipuram village, he said.
"The surface facilities near the portal will consist of a laboratory and some housing for the scientists, engineers and operating staff. There will be no other tunnels and hence no disturbance on top or the sides of the mountain. The only entrance to the underground cavern will be at the bottom of the mountain," it said.
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The site in West Bodi Hills near Madurai was not DAE's first choice for the project. Though it chose Singara near Nilgris, the Environment Ministry had objected to the idea, since it was within an elephant corridor.
The quality of rock, low seismic activity and location of being away from wildlife were major factors in settling for the present site.
The total project cost is estimated at Rs 1,500 crore to cover many components -- construction of the underground laboratory and surface facility at Pottipuram, the Inter Institutional Centre for High Energy Physics at Madurai, the 50 kton magnetised neutrino detector and salary of scientists and engineers that will be employed.