Sebi had issued a set of risk management guidelines for all the fund houses in 2002 itself. Still, the regulator wants to revisit those guidelines in the light of Amtek episode.
"Sebi had issued risk management guidelines way back in 2002. However, after the Amtek episode, Sebi wanted it to be revised and the regulator gave responsibility for this job on AMFI and it was how we appointed EY to submit its recommendations to us on the topic," AMFI chief executive CVR Rajendran said told PTI on the sidelines of a Morningstar event here.
Rajendran added that "we will put the EY report before our next board meeting which was slated for November 17 and once approved by the board, we will submit the report before Sebi for its clearance".
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The Association of Mutual Funds of India (AMFI), in its forthcoming board meeting will also consider the risk management guidelines which have been already set by RBI for banks in past, Rajendran said.
"We will also consider the guidelines on the topic which has already been issued by RBI for the banks," he said.