"I firmly believe that a Prime Minister's responsibility is not just limited to not indulging in corruption, but it is also his responsibility to stop others as well so as to uproot corruption from the entire system," Shah told reporters here.
"Under Manmohan's leadership scams worth Rs 12 lakh crore were committed. How can Congress shrug off its responsibility for this," Shah said.
"There were those who used to give zero loss theory, like zero loss in spectrum allocation, zero loss in coal allocation.
"Today, under the BJP government, coal auction of 20 mines has generated Rs 2 lakh crore. This shows that heavy loss had taken place. And the loss was more than what was estimated by the CAG. One-third spectrum was auctioned by us from which we have earned Rs 1.09 lakh crore and deposited this money into the national coffer. This shows there was loss in 2G, too," he said.
"Congress should give answers, those who had floated zero loss theory need to be made answerable now. They should accept that there were scams and they looted nation's wealth," Shah said.
"It is not enough to just talk about eradicating corruption. There is an expectation from the PM that he will provide corruption-free rule," Shah said.