"During the separate statehood movement, Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao, had said 'Hyderabad Liberation Day' will be celebrated in a grand manner on the lines of it being celebrated in some districts of Karnataka and Maharashtra," BJP state chief K Laxman said.
"But due to pressure of MIM, this (TRS) government is not coming forward to celebrate it," he alleged, adding, "Hence, BJP has decided to celebrate 'Hyderabad Liberation Day' on September 17 in nook and corner of the state."
Telangana BJP has been demanding to hold the official celebration of 'Hyderabad Liberation Day' on September 17.
The Hyderabad state, which was under the Nizam's rule, merged with the Indian Union on September 17, 1948 following a "police action".
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"Previous governments and even the present TRS government have ignored (to organise the liberation day)," the state BJP chief said.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, during his visit to Hyderabad on August 7, had called upon the BJP functionaries to take up the 'Tiranga Yatra' on motorbikes from August 15 to September 17 across the state.