The 74-year-old actor, who was seen wearing a neck brace to his daughter-in-law and actress Aishwarya Rai Bachchan's father's funeral, wrote on his blog that his cervical has suffered damage after doing action sequences over the years.
"Many have, yes, seen the picture with the neck brace and have expressed either exclamation or remedy, or surprise... It is factual and it is on my neck, because the neck is strained.
"These are recurrences of old action and stunt injuries right from the time of 'Don' and several other films that came after and that have involved my physical movements for action deeds going horribly wrong," writes Bachchan.
"In our time we never had the benefit of safety devises... It was raw, it was real and it was injury centric ... We jumped from heights without protection, without soft landing gear, without harnesses," writes the "Pink" star.
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He also says thanks to the VFX technique, actors are in safer hands today.
Bachchan continues, "Difficult bike sequences, which involve dangerous riding skills are never with the leading man - most insurance companies do not allow that, but that is a different matter - they are done with duplicates and the face replaced with that of the leading man... The intervention of special effects have made life and work easy."
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