The two images of impure water and a shining curtain -- a juxtaposition of the dirty with the clean -- catch your fancy with the sheer novelty of concept. It looks like a piece of live theatre.
"Dirty women, dirty water, dirty thoughts, dirty songs, dirty games, dirty mind, dirty war�Things called 'dirty' are defined primarily by the juxtaposition to what they are expected to be and are not their exact opposite: The uncontaminated, clean, pristine form of themselves," says Wangenchi Mutu, the Kenya-born New York-based artist.
'Dutty Water' is a work that expresses the artist's thoughts on how the idea of a clean and pure space is only a heavily guarded fiction, conveniently invented and deliberately fostered.
"In my mind there is no such thing as intrinsic purity; purity is rather our attempt to sterilise a space or a thing to make it more digestible to our minds," contends the 1972-born artist, the recipient of Deutsche Bank's 2010 Artist of the Year award. Women, in particular, find themselves intrinsically linked to this inflated idea of purity and cleanliness.
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The see-through Lucite high heel sandals represent femaleness together with sexiness; they also represent an imposed hyper-sexualisation of women, and they represent women in sex-work.
Wangechi's work explores the female body as a site of engagement and provocation, and this she does by using samples from a multitude of image sources such as medical diagrams, glossy magazines, anthropology and pornographic materials.
About India's first biennale, Wangechi notes that it will go a long way to open up the necessary channels for artistic events like it to occur in the future.