Desperate to save their heritage, the city's shrinking Jewish community decided to act. Defying the possibility of prison, deportation or execution, they buried the gravestones and kept them from Nazi hands.
Some 70 years later, Jewish leaders in the Austrian capital say the long-lost stones have been rediscovered. It is a find they say could transform a small obscure graveyard into one that rivals the significance of Prague's Jewish cemetery, the oldest known burial ground of its kind.
But beneath the ground, Jewish leaders say, are other tombstones piled layer upon layer.
The cemetery dates back to the 16th century and had about 900 tombstones until 1938, when the Nazis came to power and gave vandals free reign to deface and destroy them.
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Vienna's Jewish leaders say it is not clear exactly how many were buried by the small group of Viennese Jews determined to save their heritage from the Nazi bulldozers.
After workers scored the ground with radar as part of restoration work, they say they are sure there are hundreds beneath the grass. The 20 unearthed in the past few weeks have convinced officials they have a historically significant find, they said.
Raimund Fastenbauer, a senior official with Vienna's Jewish community, told The Associated Press yesterday that he believes many of the up to 600 missing stones are still below ground and partially or fully recoverable.
Community leader Oskar Deutsch said the stones are up to 500 years old. While finding and restoring them is expected to last for years, he said more will likely be dug up in the next few weeks.