D L Ravindra Reddy, a bitter critic of the Chief Minister, is the second minister after P Shanker Rao to be sackesd from the Kiran Kumar Reddy Cabinet.
There are indications that one or two more ministers may meet the same fate soon.
The Chief Minister, who returned from a two-day trip to New Delhi last night, forwarded to Governor E S L Narasimhan recommending the dismissal of the Health Minister, sources in the Chief Minister's Office said.
However, he turned a bitter critic of the Chief Minister and openly attacked the "unilateral style of functioning" of Kiran Reddy and the schemes he launched.
The minister had openly criticised the Chief Minister for the government schemes, be it the Re 1-a-kg rice scheme, the hike in power tariff or the latest Bangaru Talli (girl child incentive scheme).