Despite going public with their displeasure against Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N Kiran Kumar Reddy for taking a pro-"united" Andhra Pradesh stance despite the Congress Central Working Committee decision to bifurcate the state, ministers from the Telangana region, including Deputy Chief Minister Damodara Rajanarasimha, did not raise any hue and cry at the cabinet meet, sources said.
Only Panchayat Raj Minister K Jana Reddy raised the issue of the ongoing agitation by the Andhra Pradesh Non-Gazetted Officers' Association (APNGOA), requesting the AP chief minister to take steps to end it.
When questioned about this, Information and Public Relations Minister D K Aruna told reporters at the cabinet briefing that the cabinet sub-committee would hold talks with the striking APNGOA to resolve the issue.
However, as many as eight ministers - six from coastal Andhra-Rayalaseema region and two from the Telangana region - skipped the cabinet meeting.
Ministers from the coastal Andhra-Rayalaseema region like Ganta Srinivasa Rao, C Ramachandraiah, Galla Aruna Kumari, Erasu Pratap Reddy, Md Ahmedullah and T G Venkatesh, who had tendered their resignations from the cabinet in protest against the state's division, stayed away from the meeting chaired by AP Chief Minister N Kiran Kumar Reddy.