The demonstrators, affiliated with Jammu and Kashmir Anganwadi Workers and Helpers Union (AWHU), assembled at Press Enclave in the heart of the city to press for their demands.
Besides enhancement of their remuneration and payment of minimum wages, they were also demanding gratuity, formulation of a pension scheme and withdrawal of attempts to privatise Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS).
The protesters were also demanding regularisation of their services as Class III and Class IV employees and immediate increase in their honorarium to Rs 5,000 and Rs 4,000 per month respectively.
President AWHU Naseema Kuchay, who was leading the protest, said the grass-root workers of ICDS scheme should be entitled to decent living.
"A standing mechanism must be put in place in Ministry of Women and Child Development for revision in the rates of Honorarium of anganwadi workers and helpers," she said adding "anganwadi workers and helpers should be covered by the EPF and ESI Act for regularisation of their services as government employee, besides Anaganwadi Centres must be made as nodal centers to impart pre-school education."