Through this partnership, Anglian Management Group and Clube Atletico Paranaense will work together to bring young and exciting talent from Brazil to India and help advise Indian Super League and I-League clubs as well as work with players, coaches, organisational staff and other business entities that happen to be involved in the sport.
Dhruv Ratra, CEO Anglian Management Group, said, "With Clube Atletico Paranaense, we hope to infuse Brazilian flair and expertise into Indian football. Clube Atletico Paranaense is one of the oldest and most respected clubs in Brazil.
Luiz Greco, Director of Clube Atletico, said, "We are very excited about the potential that India has to offer. After making many trips to India, and meeting with many people and organisations, we decided to partner with Anglian because of the dedication and professionalism they are showing to help raise the standard of football in India.