The party, which is projected to be the largest in the ongoing Lok Sabha polls, used the opportunity to target the Congress also, saying such an "ill-intentioned" remarks by Pakistan is a reflection of the "softening" of India's image due to "ineptness" of the Manmohan Singh government.
BJP spokesperson Meenakshi Lekhi reacted sharply to Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan's comments that Modi, if elected as India's Prime Minister, would "destabilise" regional peace.
"We will tell Islamabad to mend their ways and the manner in which they have been functioning and trying to work with India will not work," Lekhi told a press conference here.
She said the Pakistani Minister had chosen to react to a statement of Modi which was critical of Indian Home Minister.
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India does not interfere in electoral politics or internal affairs of other countries and expects the same from them, she said.
"It also amounts to an admission that Dawood is indeed living in Pakistan, and that this is in the knowledge of their Interior Minister," she said.