Researchers analysed the vocal sequences of seven different species of birds and mammals and found that the vocal sequences produced by the animals appear to be generated by complex statistical processes, more akin to human language.
Many species of animals produce complex vocalisations such as the mockingbird which can mimic over 100 distinct song types of different species, or the rock hyrax, whose long string of wails, chucks and snorts signify male territory.
While the vocalisations suggest language-like characteristics, scientists have found it difficult to define and identify the complexity and have assumed that the sequence of animal calls is generated by a simple random process, called a "Markov process."
Assuming a Markov process exists raises questions about the evolutionary path of animal language to human language - if animal vocal sequences are Markovian, how did human language evolve so quickly from its animal origins?
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Human language uses what is called "context-free grammars," whereby certain grammatical rules apply regardless of the context, whereas animal language uses simple or "regular" grammar, which is much more restrictive.
The Markov process is the most common model used to examine animal vocal sequences, which assumes that a future occurrence of a vocal element is entirely determined by a finite number of past vocal occurrences.
The findings suggest there may be an intermediate step on the evolutionary path between the regular grammar of animal communication and the context-free grammar of human language that has not yet been identified and explored.
"Uncovering the process underlying vocal sequence generation in animals may be critical to our understanding of the origin of language," Kershenbaum said.
The study is published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B.