The outfit alleged that the film crew had violated norms and used the jumbo, Chirackal Kalidasan, for the shooting of the movie at Thrissur recently without obtaining any pre-shoot certificate from AWBI as per the Performing Animals Registration Rule 2001.
The Thrissur-based Task Force sent a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently demanding action against the producer, director and camera man of the film and the owner and mahout of the elephant in this regard.
The mahout, during the shooting, had used the banned weapon 'ankush' to compel the elephant to obey his commands and keep its forehead up for a long period of time, he said in the letter, which was released to media.
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"We request the PMO to issue orders to the police and other law enforcement agencies to arrest the producer, director and cameraman of the film and the owner of the elephant and its mahout for their illegal use of the jumbo for film shooting," he said.
Venkatachalam said compelling the elephant to keep its forehead up is a violation of the PCA Act 1960. Moreover this elephant does not have a valid ownership certificate issued by Kerala forest department, the activist added.