They also warned that the spike in the sale of these species will have a severe impact on it.
They said "Finding Dory" is a sequel to 2003-released "Finding Nemo" which triggered millions of consumers and moviegoers to purchase wild-caught clownfish.
"The sudden mass demand and subsequent capture of millions of clownfish from their homes decimated wild populations, causing irreparable harm to both the species and the coral reefs they inhabited," they said in a statement.
"We are anticipating an increase in the demand for blue tangs as aquaria fish post the release of 'Finding Dory' in India.
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"We hope that Indian audiences shall be sensitive to the devastating impact of pet trade on wild fish populations and shall make informed, humane consumer choices," said Managing Director, Humane Society International (India), N G Jayasimha.
The pet shop, dog breeding and aquarium fish breeding rules are pending notification with the government, the statement said.
Although clownfish have been bred in captivity in the past, captive breeding of blue tangs has not been successful and captive-bred blue tangs are not available for purchase for home aquariums, it said.