/ -- Torex, the multifunctional blockchain platform for cryptocurrency trading, is offering extended trading features, including an Arbitrage Tool, Price Notification, Price Checker, HODL Tool, and developing Traders' Ideas, Copy Trading, Crypto Betting, and fully-featured mobile crypto trading application. The debut round of its TOR (Torex token) is priced at $1/TOR on ProBit Exchange as of November 28th.
The highest possible bonus of 45% for this 1st Round, is offered for all TOR purchased using PROB (ProBit Exchange token).
For the consecutive rounds, bonuses for TOR bought with PROB will be:
2nd Round - 35% Bonus
3rd Round - 25% Bonus
For these purchases, bonuses are as follows:
1st Round - 35% Bonus
2nd Round - 25% Bonus
3rd Round - 15% Bonus
The number of available TOR for each round will be limited to:
1st round: 100,000 TOR
2nd round: 200,000 TOR
3rd round: 500,000 TOR
The Arbitrage Tool of Torex will have two modes: Automatic and Manual. In Manual mode, the assistant carries out the functions of search and display of arbitrage windows on exchanges, with access to current prices. A trader can also select other parameters to narrow down the selection, namely:
Exchanges with Open Arbitrage Windows
Currency Pairs to be Analyzed
Minimum Trading Volume
Minimum Percentage of Profit Expected
Take part in Torex IEO on ProBit exchange!
Photo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1035473/Torex_IEO.jpg