In a similar case, the Uttar Pradesh Police's Special Task force had on February 2 busted an online trading scam worth over Rs 3,700 crore by Noida-based Ablaze Info Solutions Private Limited in which nearly seven lakh people were duped on the pretext of getting money in lieu of clicking on specific links.
Amit Kishore Jain, a Ghaziabad resident, filed a complaint at Sector 20 police station alleging that the company's owners duped nearly two lakh people who were promised handsome returns by clicking on web links and made Rs 500 crore in the past four months.
An FIR has been filed based on Jain's complaint and the UPSTF has started a probe into the matter.
"The company's directors Anurag Garg and Sudesh offered membership to more than four lakh people in the past four months for the click and earn plan. It is alleged that they collected over Rs 500 crore from around two lakh people," SP (City) Dinesh Yadav said.
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The complainant has alleged that Bollywood actors Shah Rukh Khan and Nawazuddin Siddiqui are brand ambassadors of the firm and have featured in its advertisements.
The company in a notice on its website has said its operations will remain closed till April 20 due to transaction problems.