In her complaint, the woman said that in 2013, when she was working at a local news channel, she went to interview Narayan Sai at the ashram at Karol Bagh in Delhi, where she was sexually harassed, SP City Dinesh Yadav said.
When she told the channel chief about it, he advised her not to report the matter. The woman has left the news channel, the police officer said.
Around 10 days back she lodged a complaint with SSP Dharmindra Singh, which was forwarded to Yadav.
Sai was first arrested on charges of repeatedly sexually assaulting a Surat-based woman at his father's ashram between 2002 and 2005. He had allegedly tried to bribe the police, doctors and even judicial officers to water down the case.
Asaram himself is facing a case of sexual assault, filed by the elder sister of the woman who has lodged the rape case against his son.