In Jharkhand, the caravan will pass through Ranchi, Lohardaga, Gumla, Simdega, Khunti and West Singbhum, according to a release.
The programme, funded by the US government, was launched in Kolkata on March 17. It was launched in Ranchi yesterday by the US Consulate General Kolkata.
The campaign in the state is organised in partnership with the Department of Women and Child Development and Social Welfare, Government of Jharkhand, Jharkhand Police and some NGOs, the release said.
The caravan will also carry a travelling exhibition on ramifications of trafficking, ploys used by the traffickers and protection mechanisms to build awareness.
"Working together to end all forms of human trafficking is a key pillar of US-India partnership and the US Consulate General in Kolkata has been working as a convener with the Jharkhand Government to bring together all stakeholders to counter human trafficking in eastern India," the release added.