The 62-year-old actor, who is currently onboard as a producer, is not sure about his casting in the web series.
"Because of Netflix we are working on a web series which is based on a real life incident. We have a Canadian and an Indian writer working on the script. I am producing it. It is about 1971 war. I don't know if I will act or not as it depends on the demand of the script," Kher told PTI.
When asked if there would be any spin-off on his character Om Prakash Shukla, Kher replied, "I keep telling Neeraj Pandey you have to make a spin-off of my character Shukla ji but he laughs it off. I think his story would be very interesting and what is his personal life like. I don't think Neeraj has thought about it."
Kher is also open to the idea of wielding the microphone again, provided there is an interesting story.