The Rs 1.61 lakh crore budget proposals for the ensuing fiscal, presented by Finance Minister Anam Ramanarayana Reddy, will now be discussed by the Department- Related Standing Committees being constituted for the first time in the state Legislature.
The House will reconvene after a gap of three weeks when the recommendations of the Standing Committees will be discussed by the Assembly before the Appropriation Bill is adopted for the entire fiscal.
Replying to the discussion on power, Chief Minister N Kiran Kumar Reddy, who also holds the Energy portfolio, ruled out withdrawal of the proposed hike in electricity tariff for the ensuing financial year that is expected to impose an additional financial burden of a staggering Rs 12,000 crore on consumers.
He also rejected the opposition demand that the government itself bear the burden of fuel surcharge adjustment (FSA) and not pass it on to the consumers.