Chandrababu, who is currently holidaying in Maldives with family, tweeted: "Congratulations @BJP4India on winning the elections in Gujarat and Himachal Pradesh. Wishing them all the best for their forthcoming tenure in governance."
The Telugu Desam Party and the BJP are allies, both at the Centre and in Andhra Pradesh.
TDP spokesperson Y V B Rajendra Prasad also congratulated the BJP over the Gujarat and Himachal Pradesh victory.
Meanwhile, BJP cadres, led by MLC Somu Veerraju, organised celebrations at the state party office here.
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"Taking the Gujarat victory as an inspiration, we will build our strength in AP as well and emerge as a strong force," Veerraju said.
The BJP won the Gujarat assembly polls for a record sixth straight victory today.
The party got majority in Himachal Pradesh as it won 35 seats and was leading in nine in 68-member Assembly, as per the Election Commission tally.