"The chief minister would highlight the areas where AP and Australia can work together. These include fisheries and aquaculture, mining, agriculture and food processing, healthcare and life sciences, education and tourism among others," a state government release said here today.
The state government would focus on working with Australia in the areas of marine industry and aquaculture as the country is famous for it, it said.
"Andhra Pradesh is first in Brackish and fresh water shrimp production, second in fresh water fish production and in value of fish and prawn produced and fourth in marine fish production in the country," it said.
"He would also highlight prospects of working together on establishing fishing harbours through PPP mode, improve cold chain infrastructure, pre-processing facilities and value-added production facilities," the release said.
According to the release, AP is first in beach sands, barytes and granite, second in limestone and bauxite in the country. The state has large limestone reserves and is the largest producer of cement.