"We have set revenue target of Rs 1,588 crore during 2015-16 that consists of Rs 470 crore from postal operations and Rs 1,118 crore through saving bank accounts," B V Sudhakar Chief Post Master General (AP and Telangana states) told reporters here today.
"Our focus was on saving bank accounts. We started increasingly mobilising people to open accounts in post offices as a result we have over six crore accounts during 2014-15 that have deposits of Rs 22,737 crore. Along with contribution from SB accounts we have started increasing our revenue through postal operations," he said.
AP Postal Circle has been in the fore front in making post offices viable.
"We have 16,155 post offices--10,375 offices in Andhra Pradesh and 5,870 in Telangana. We have been trying to use this network to make it useful to the public and post offices viable," Sudhakar said.
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AP Postal Circle aims to bring down deficit that stood at Rs 265 crore during 2013-14 which reduced to Rs 121 crore in the last fiscal (2014-15).
"By March 2016 we will wipe off the deficit and we will go into profit," he said.
The Department of Posts will distribute 'Godavari Pushkaram Water' through all post offices in AP and Telangana during the ensuring Godavari Pushkaram period from July 14 to July 25.
"We are also launching two other products including 12 special covers will be released related to themes of Godavari river and My Stamp on Godavari river.
"We also have plans to tap Ganga Water from Gomukh and supply to different parts of the country," he said.