"Badal is lying about development in Punjab. It's sad that Shriomani Akali Dal leaders have abandoned the teachings of Sikh Gurus in their lust for power and money," Bajwa said at a conference at Gurta Gaddi Diwas here, adding that "Punjab was passing through a phase of uncertainty".
Referring to the CM's recent criticism of him, Bajwa, the state Congress chief, lambasted Badal for "belittling" the stature of the opposition party's head.
"Sidhu's voice represents all the MPs and MLAs of both opposition and ruling parties who are being discriminated against for one reason or the other," he said.
The status of civic amenities in Amritsar, the cause for Sidhu's discontent, was not different from other cities and towns, claimed Bajwa.
He also alleged that Punjab had become the drug capital of India where 70 per cent of the youth was under the influence of drugs.