"The Rashtriya Rifles Battalion, located at Bhadarwah, under Delta Force organised tour of panches and sarpanches from Bhadarwah to Chennai," Jammu based defense spokesman Lt Col Manish Mehta said.
He said that the tour that began today will finish on June 30.
"The tour has been organised in collaboration with Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development, Chennai," he said.
The tour was flagged off by Commanding Officer of Rashtriya Rifles at Bhadarwah.
He said that all panches and sarpanches have displayed a keen interest to become members of this tour.
"The tour will emphasise on the importance of acquainting them with the rich heritage and culture of our country. The tour will give them an opportunity to interact with people of different culture and panchayats outside the state and also given them a deep insight on how peace and tranquility in other parts of the country has ushered prosperity and development," he said.