Addressing the DCs and SPs in a meeting at Nirbachan Bhawan here, Kumar disclosed that the Commission had in its order on January 9 last year directed that no officers, posted in home district should be deputed for election duties and officer who completes three year service in a particular district should also be deputed for election duties.
Stating that the summary revision of electoral rolls exercise including deletion of multiple and doubtful voters remained successful in the state, the CEO said, "We have requested the Commission to appoint 17 general observers along with police observers to oversee the poll process in the state.
"Disclosing that adequate security measures would be taken during the poll process in 2, 158 polling booths across the state, Kumar said that in critical polling stations, webcasting facilities would be installed besides providing digital and video cameras for maintaining full-proof security coverage.
"Altogether 13 nodal officers from various state government departments have been appointed to oversee the poll process and to assist the DEOs," he said adding, there would be three kind of communication channel available in inaccessible areas for disseminating information.