The high-level team, lead by Tuki, was shocked by the trail of devastation in flood-wrecked Doimukh, Kimin, Mebo, Diyun, Dambuk, Namsai, Tezu and worst affected Paglam village during the three-and-half-hour long aerial survey.
Apart from Tuki, Ministers Chowna Mein and Kamlung Mossang, Parliamentary Secretary Jomde Kena (Likabali constituency), MLAs Gum Tayeng (Dambuk constituency), Zingnu Namchoom (Namsai) and Nikh Kamin (Bordumsa-Diyun) were part of the delegation.
Relief and Rehabilitation Commissioner Khapa Kholie and Director Y W Ringu, Arunachal Pradesh State Transport GM Abo Tayeng also accompanied the team.
After witnessing that Anupam village under Paglam circle of Lower Dibang Valley district was completely devastated by the merger of Taro Tamuk and Dotung rivers, the chief minister directed to shift the village.
MLA Tayeng along with General Manager, Transport, Abo Tayeng apprised the team about the devastation at Paglam village.