"It is completely against Arunachal Pradesh and its people," Tuki said reacting to the governor's letter in which he had asked the Prime Minister Narendra Modi to upgrade Lilabari airport in nearby Assam as it would be economically more viable.
"It is the Centre's decision to provide airport in every state capital on priority and that too we have no airport. I requested Civil Aviation Minister Pashupati Ashok Gajapati Raju during my last meeting to accelerate clearance and allot fund to resume the work soon.
In reply to a question, Tuki said he would talk to the Governor as such a move would be an injustice to the people of the state.
"Land has already been allocated by the district administration. How can a major project in the greater welfare of the state be scrapped? If the statement of the Leader of Opposition in the Assembly Tamiyo Taga is correct, he should tender public apology," he said.
"I boarded a flight for Delhi from Lilabari airport last month and have been urging the Centre for its development too for the benefit of Arunachal and north Assam," Tuki said.