In his message on Diwali eve, Sharma expressed the hope that the festival would strengthen emotional integration and light the lamp of compassion, love and righteousness among the people.
On the occasion, Sharma appealed to people to ensure that there was minimum pollution to the environment during the celebration expressing hope that every citizen of the state would maintain the Swachchh Bharat spirit.
Tuki in his message said, "In each legend, myth and story of Deepawali lies the significance of the victory of good over evil; and it is in each Diwali that lights illuminate our homes and hearts, that this simple truth finds new reason and hope. From darkness unto light - the light that empowers us to commit ourselves to good deeds, that which brings us closer to divinity."
He also appealed to the people to celebrate the festival while respecting the sentiments of others.
"Let us celebrate but not at the cost of other's peace and well being", the chief minister added.