The decision was taken in a meeting chaired by Chief Minister Nabam Tuki in presence of Finance and Planning Minister Chowna Mein, Education Minister Bosiram Siram, Development Commissioner (Finance) Ramesh Negi and Commissioner Education K R Meena, official sources informed
"This will facilitate the Union Ministry of Human Resource Development to release the remaining share of Rs 175 crore meant for salary of teachers of SSA and Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya (KGBV) besides other SSA programmes," sources said.
While showing serious concern over the enhancement of KGBV school teacher's salary, the chief minister assured to take up the matter with the ministry of Human Resource Development immediately.
He observed that, it is imperative on the part of Central government to change the salary norms for KGBV teachers serving in tough and inhospitable terrains of Arunachal Pradesh which shares international borders with China, Myanmar and Bhutan.
Meanwhile, a high level committee has been constituted under the chairmanship of Commissioner Education to study various grievances of KGBV employees. The committee would submit a detail report to the government within a month, sources added.