As Madhya Pradesh continues to reel under frequent and unscheduled power cuts, officials of the state electricity company are holding bats responsible for the woes, claiming that these flying mammals are causing faults in the supply lines, especially in the state capital.
They say bats hanging on the power supply lines sometimes cause short circuits, which ultimately lead to outages.
This claim has triggered a fresh round of blame game between the Kamal Nath-led Congress government and the opposition BJP.
The saffron party said instead of giving these kind of excuses, the power utility and the state government should work in a responsible manner, while the ruling Congress said there was no crisis as MP is a power surplus state.
State Energy Minister Priyavrat Singh, however, contended that overloaded power transformers and not bats could be the main reason behind the problem.
Talking to PTI, the minister said, "In a review meeting of Bhopal district (held on June 14), an official of the power company had said that bats are creating faults in the supply lines along the lake (Upper Lake)...But I don't think this is a major reason. I pulled up the official, who had said so."
Spokesperson of Madhya Pradesh Central Power Distribution Company Ltd, Manoj Dwivedi, said, "The faults in power supply lines in the vicinity of Upper Lake (in Bhopal) were reported due to bats. This largely happens due to short- circuits caused by bats hanging on the power supply lines."