Arjun Balu of Tiger Sports won in the Indian Touring Car event. Arjun (20:04.406 secs) won the Indian Touring Cars event with almost seven seconds ahead of second placed V Rajvirdhan of Prime Racing (20:11.191 secs) and veteran Leela Krishanan (20:15.347 secs) of Big Foods came third.
Fahad Kutty, aged 30 and who owns a garage (workshop) in Mumbai city and has been in the circuit for three years, had an easy time to clinch the title in the Indian Junior Touring Cars event.
Diljith Shaji, also from Kerala driving for Eram Group sports club and Kashit Kapadia (game over) came second and third respectively.
In the Polo Cup, Mumbai's Ameya Walavalkar won the first race, while Ajay Kini claimed the honours in the second race today. More