"Government of Assam has set a target to implement the ASPIRe project with an amount of Rs 283 crore over a period of five years. The project focuses on public participation, effectiveness and efficiency, transparency, accountability and responsiveness in establishing good governance," Sonowal said.
"The IT-enabled services through ASPIRe will help us in bringing reformative change in government service, Sonowal said urging government employees to perform their duties with more efficiency and transparency.
ASPIRe will provide platform for achieving the goal to make Assam one of the best states of the country, Sonowal said.
It is expected that ASPIRe would help in transforming the functioning of Finance, Taxation and Excise Department and lead to cashless and paperless administration, he said, adding, the project would also emphasise on productive expenditure and attempt to improve the systems and procedures by taking comprehensive steps involving policy, legislative, administrative framework of concerned revenue earning departments.