Assam Chief Minister SarbanandaSonowal Sunday dialled several prominent personalities of the state and apprised them of the measures being taken to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic.The state government is working wholeheartedly to create a robust infrastructure of healthcare facilities to reach out to the people who are falling prey to the deadly coronavirus, he told them.He said the government is also working assiduously to strengthen the economy which has been badly hit by the pandemic.The chief minister also inquired about their health and requested them to lead a life lifting their morale high so as to transfer enthusiasm and positivity among different sections of the people.Sonowal spoke to former vice principal of B Borooah College Jagadindra Roy Chowdhury, former head of Assamese Department of Pandu College Bhabani Prasad Upadhaya, former MP Arun Sharma, former ambassador to North Korea Binanda Kumar Gogoi, veteran businessman Krishna Kumar Goenka, sports organiser Manoj Mohanty, social activist Gauranga Roy, Dilip Basu and Swapnanil Madhukar, among others, an official statement said.