Guided by Prime Minister Narendra Modi's 'Sabka Saath Sabka Vikash' mission, the BJP-led state government is working resolutely for the welfare of all the 3.20 crore people of the state, as well as solving all outstanding problems faced by the Sarania Kacharis, Sonowal said while speaking at the 15th biennial conference of Sarania Kacharis at Senduri Gopa near here yesterday.
Stating that development of rural areas is of paramount importance to the government, he said for all-round development of villages, the state government has launched the Chief Minister's Sammagra Grammya Unnayan Achoni.
"Sarania Kacharis are one of the ancient ethnic tribes of Assam with a distinct cultural and spiritual identity. This community with its capability for working hard will make its presence felt as a strong tribe in the world," Sonowal said.
The Chief Minister also said the state government will set up an auditorium after the name of Sarania Kachari novelist Medini Chowdhury.