Asserting there has been a lot of misinformation spread by Assam Congress regarding the policy, Sitharaman said, "To begin with, NEIPP as a policy has several loopholes. It was an open ended scheme with no limit on the number of proposals to be accepted from the industries. However, very limited budget was allocated for it."
Gogoi had earlier accused the Narendra Modi government of suspending registration of business under the policy.
"The NEIPP has resulted in uneven sectoral growth with most of the benefits going to only a few sectors like cement industry. There is a need to rationalise this before reopening the scheme for fresh proposals."
Asserting that the NDA government was committed towards economic development of the state, the Union Minister said a new industry promotion scheme for the North East was being considered by the Ministry of Finance whereby future funding could be re-routed through the DoNER Ministry using its Non-Lapsable Central Pool of Resources (NLCPR-Central Scheme).