Only about 34 per cent schools in Assam met the RTE criteria of having one teacher for 30 students while about 60 per cent schools in Meghalaya do so, the Annual Report of Education Report (Rural 2014) for North East India, done by PRATHAM, non-profit organisations in each of the states said.
ASER is the largest annual household survey of children in rural India that focuses on the status of schooling and basic learning.
While over 80 per cent schools in Tripura fulfilled the guidelines, nearly70 per cent of schools in Arunachal Pradesh met the prescribed RTE pupil-teacher ratio.
The report also said that over 50 per cent schools in Manipur, Arunachal Pradesh and Meghalaya does not have a separate toilet for girls and does not have facilities for drinking water. Even when the provisions were available and unlocked but most of these are not usable, it said.