After touring affected Sonitpur and Kokrajhar districts, Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh announced that the National Investigation Agency would probe the NDFB(S) attacks and assured the Assam government of Army's assistance, if necessary, in its crackdown on militant organisations.
In the Gossaigaon area of Kokrajhar district several houses of Bodos were set ablaze by adivasis early in the morning despite an indefinite curfew clamped in the entire district, a police official said.
Three adivasis were killed in police firing on protesters yesterday to take the total number of dead in the district to 46.
In Kokrajhar, the other affected district, retaliatory violence by adivasis claimed the lives of four Bodos at Manikpur and Dimapur areas taking the total there to 29.
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In Chirang district, the death toll remained three.
Curfew has been also imposed in the affected areas of Sonitpur and Chirang districts along with parts of Dhubri and Baksa districts as precautionary measure, he added.
"The Centre has adopted a zero-tolerance policy against all acts of terror and the similar policy will be adopted in this case too," he said.
Later, the Home Minister, told a press conference in Guwahati at the end of his visits to Sonitpur and Kokrajhar districts, "I have spoken to the Assam CM and we have decided to investigate the entire incident by the NIA. We want to see the links of such groups. We want to know with whom they have connections."