Additional sessions judge Ramesh Kumar Singhal sentenced north Delhi residents Virender, Sukhvir and Ramkesh denying their plea for leniency and release on probation on ground of their modest backgrounds.
"The act of all the convicts had deprived the complainant of his vision of one of his eye. Thus, the convicts do not deserve any sympathy of the court, on the point of sentence and are�not entitled to probation," the judge said.
A fine of Rs 20,000 was also slapped on each of them.
The prosecution case was that on April 26, 2010, the trio assaulted their neighbour Chajjan (complainant). The trio were in the habit of picking fights after consuming liquor. Chajjan told the court that his house was being renovated due to which a lot of raw material such as bricks, cement etc were lying on the road by the side of his house.
They fled from the spot when the victim's family came out of the house hearing the noise and called police.