Singh said that the state has suffered loss to the tune of Rs 832. 67 crores during the last eight months due to natural calamities.
In a memorandum submitted to the central team headed by Union health Minister J P Nadda and Union minister of state for Agriculture Radha Mohan, chief minister said that as many as 890 roads and 40 bridges were worst damaged and around 4647 Irrigation and water supply schemes were affected.
Apart from this, 61 human lives were lost, 964 heads of cattle and many houses were damaged, chief minister said and suggested that the loss de to natural calamities should be assessed on the basis of vulnerability to disasters.
He thanked the Union Government for releasing Rs 63 crores to the State and urged for immediate release of the remaining amount.
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The Chief Minister said that the State had experienced torrential rains and heavy snowfall during from August 2014 till date and severe hailstorms lashed the State yesterday which was unprecedented.
A total loss of Rs 30.04 crore has been estimated in case of agricultural crops while the damage to horticulture crops was around to the tune of Rs 18 crore.
As many as 890 roads and 40 bridges were badly damaged and 4647 Irrigation and water supply schemes were affected.
Besides, 360 kilometres of Transmission line, 381 transformers and 11 electric sub stations also suffered massive damage, causing loss to the tune of Rs 55.84 crore, Apart from this, 61 human lives were lost and around 964 heads of cattle perished and many houses were damaged.