The Eastern India Motion Picture Association (EIMPA) has hailed the notification by West Bengal government to mandatorily screen one Bengali film for a minimum of 120 days in a year.
It also welcomed the state's decision to slash tariff for projection of Bengali films and observed that the twin moves would help the industry ahead of Durga Puja.
"The decision to reduce tariff for digital projection of Bengali films from Rs 18,000 to Rs 7,000 will help small- and medium-level producers," EIMPA chairperson Piya Sengupta said, adding that six Bengali films have been lined up for release, this Durga Puja.
An order issued by Governor K N Tripathi earlier in the month said, "In every cinema hall and in at least one screen of every multiplex situated in the state, 120 prime time show/screenings of Bengali films shall mandatorily be held throughout the year... with at least one show per day for minimum of 120 days in aggregate during the year."