"It has been a tradition to hold Independence Day At Home Reception at the Raj Bhavan in Pune. It will be cancelled this year on account of the recent tragic incident of landslide at Malin in Pune district in which more than 150 innocent people lost their lives," Sankaranarayanan said in a statement here.
Every year, the Governor hosts an "At Home" reception (high tea) at the Raj Bhavan where distinguished invitees from various walks of life, people's representatives, media and senior officers, among others are invited.
However, the Governor will hoist the National Flag at Council Hall in Pune on August 15, it added.
The marathon rescue and relief operation launched at Malin village flattened in the July 30 landslide catastrophe, was declared officially over on the eighth day on August 6, with the final death toll pegged at 151 and eight survivors.
The NDRF jawans, who braved inclement weather at the site, cleared the huge mound of mud debris that buried over 40 houses situated at the foot of the rain ravaged hill.