The RSS held a two-day meeting here on the importance of social harmony and family values. State ministers, including Arun Chaturvedi, Gulab Chand Kataria, Vasudev Devnanai, and BJP leaders Satish Punia, Ashok Parnami took part in the meeting.
Talking about the discussions held in the meeting, BJP state president Ashok Parnami said the RSS was of the opinion that castiesm was growing dangerously.
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"Casteism has emerged as a major threat to the Indian social fabric and the Gujarat elections have seen the issue acquiring threatening proportions. So with growing concerns, the RSS has taken a serious note of the issue and committed to promote social harmony," Parnami said.
Nearly 275 RSS workers from 35 regions participated in the deliberations - Samnvaya Baithak - spread over 8 sessions in two days.
Stressing on the need of restoration of the traditional Indian family values and structure, RSS general secretary Bhaiyaji Joshi talked about the flaws that have crept into the Indian social mechanism.