"Prime Minister Narendra Modi, BJP President Amit Shah and the party leaders have maligned UP deliberately in the entire assembly poll campaign calling it as a den of criminals. But, the track record and the figures of national crime record bureau prove otherwise," Congress Chief Spokesperson Randeep Surjewala said.
Referring to ATS operation in Lucknow, he said "the manner in which the UP police has fought more than adequately proves the elasticity and competence of the Samajwadi Party government as also UP police in tackling crime and terrorism."
The fact that entire election has been peaceful further proves our commitment to peace and harmony in the state, he said.
Attacking the BJP, the Congress leader accused the party's Madhya Pradesh unit of having terror links.
It has been found that the BJP's Madhya Pradesh unit have terror links in spying on Indian army with dreaded outfit like ISIS, he said.