Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis told reporters today that as Pansare's wife, Uma, was now fully conscious and able to speak, police were preparing sketches of suspects on the basis of information provided by her.
A team of Mumbai police's crime branch, which usually probes high-profile cases in the city, was conducting a parallel inquiry and had left for Kolhapur to co-ordinate with the local investigators, police sources said here.
Kolhapur unit of ATS, also conducting a parallel inquiry, was tapping its own informers network, sources added.
Pansare -- who was in the forefront of anti-road toll agitation -- and his wife were shot by unidentified persons near their house in Kolhapur on Monday morning.
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Doctors treating them said condition of both of them was improving.
Earlier, talking to reporters today at the state secretariat here, the Chief Minister said Pansare's wife had now recovered enough to talk. "Based on her statement, sketches of the attackers are being prepared," he said.