Mercedes-Benz sold 13,502 units in India last year as compared with 10,201 units in 2014, a significant jump of 32 per cent. BMW India is yet to come out with the sales figure for 2015.
In 2014, Audi had sold 10,851 units in the country, in comparison to Mercedes' 10,201 units, to retain its leadership position. BMW India had sold 6,812 units in 2014.
The company launched 10 products in India last year, including the limited edition Audi R8 LMX and all new Audi TT Coupe.
Besides, the company also introduced Audi S5 Sportback and the all-new Audi Q7 during the year.
"We are committed towards bringing new products which are technologically advanced, smart, agile and comfortable.. We are very confident that we will continue our growth path in 2016 and beyond," King said.