Maharashtra minister Jitendra Awhad on Friday said it was "ridiculous" and "unfortunate" to not allow Mahatma Gandhi's grandson Tushar Gandhi to speak at an event organised by a Pune college.
Tushar Gandhi had tweeted that a Hindutva outfit forced a college in Pune to cancel his address scheduled on Friday as part of a seminar on Mahatma Gandhi.
The programme 'Revisiting Gandhi' was organised at Modern College in association with Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU).
"Modern College Pune was forced to cancel a program scheduled for tomorrow celebrating the 150th anniversary of Bapu because they invited me, Patitpavan Sanstha threatened to disrupt the program if I was present. The Goli Maro Gang in Action," Gandhi said in a tweet on Thursday.
Condemning the episode, Awhad tweeted, "Not allowing #TusharGandhi to speak in Modern College on #MahatmaGandhi in Pune on his 150th birth anniversary because some Gandhi haters objected and threatened is ridiculous and should b condemned Pune police should have not allowed this to happen it's unfortunate."