In November last year, the RBI had given in-principle approval to three entities to set up TReDs. The other two entities are -- Mynd Solutions (Gurgaon) and NSE Strategic Investment Corporation and Small Industries Development Bank of India (Mumbai).
Axis Bank in a regulatory filing said that A.Treds is registered with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Registrar of Companies.
"The Company is incorporated as a Subsidiary Company of the Bank. A.Treds Limited will inter-alia be engaged to undertake the business of setting up and operating a Trade Receivables Discounting System, as per the in-principal approval received from the Reserve Bank of India," the filing said.
TReDS will allow SMEs to post their receivables on the system and get them financed. This will not only give them greater access to finance but will also put greater discipline on corporates to pay their dues on time.
The RBI's in-principle approval for TReDS is valid for a period of six months
As the TReDS will be a payment system authorised under the Payment and Settlement Systems Act 2007, RBI said an elaborate four-tiered structure of application processing was adopted for this purpose.